Project C03: Phys. Rev. B 2019

Dynamical multistability in a quantum-dot laser

We study the dynamical multistability of a solid-state single-atom laser implemented in a quantum-dot spin valve. The system is formed by a resonator that interacts with a two-level system in a dot in contact with two ferromagnetic leads of antiparallel polarization. We show that a spin-polarized current provides high-efficiency pumping leading to regimes of multistable lasing, in which the Fock distribution of the oscillator displays a multipeaked distribution. The emergence of multistable lasing follows from the breakdown of the usual rotating-wave approximation for the coherent spin-resonator interaction which occurs at relatively weak couplings. The multistability manifests itself directly in the charge current flowing through the dot, switching between distinct current levels corresponding to the different states of oscillation.

M. Mantovani, A. D. Armour, W. Belzig, and G.Rastelli
Phys. Rev. B 99, 045442 (2019)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.045442